Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Swimdress, a new mom's best friend

I was wondering around Target this morning before work trying to waste some time. My husband and I had to car pool today because his car is broken, yet again. Unfortunately he starts at 8 and I didn't start until 10. So I was wondering around and noticed their Bathing suits are on clearance. I need a new one since we will be going on a cruise at the end of January; it will be our official honeymoon.
I have been looking for a bathing suit for a bit, unfortunately I am so long in the torso that most one piece suits look like they are being dragged down and unless I want to spend a lot of money getting one in long then a one piece is just out of the question. On the other hand seeing as I have stretch marks up the wazoo from having my son I'm not all that comfortable in a bikini. Tankinis end up in much the same way as the one piece.  I still end up with a ring of skin in the middle because the bottom of the top doesn't come down as far as it should and most bottoms are low riser....unless I want to dress like an old lady.
Which is what I've always really thought of the swimdress. A one piece with a stupid half skirt in the front. So there I was going through the rakes of endless bikini bottoms and one pieces that I could never fit into when I come across a v-neck black swim dress with gathers on the side and by god it's actually cut. I mean you hold it up and it's really just the perfect little black dress....Dare I try it on??? Oh I dare!
So the tag says XL which I am now between a medium and large depending on what I'm wearing...However, in a bathing suit I know I can get a smidgen more out of the length if I wear one that is a size to big but I didn't know if XL was to large. I was wearing an XL when I was 6 months preggers. So I put it on and not only does it fit, it hides all my new body flaws that I have yet to get used to. The skirt is also long enough it actually looks like I'm just wearing a cute little dress and it covers up the stretch marks on my thighs! The best part is, it was only 25 bucks for probably the best bathing suit I've ever owned. It's also small children approved. I don't know if it's just me or what; maybe I'm just old fashioned but you wouldn't dress like a hooker to take your children to the park you shouldn't be wearing a string bikini with your ta-tas poppin' out the top and your butt crack poppin' out the back when you're swimming with your kids.

Note: I will post a picture of said wonderful piece of fabric soon.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Beware of Stairs

     Two days ago I was at work. The day was going pretty well. I had just put down the little girl I take care of for her nap and was heading back down stairs to start getting my little guy ready to nap too. I took 2 or 3 steps down the stairs and next thing I know my feet are in the air and I'm coming down fast and hard.
     It happened so fast I have no idea what even really happened. But I did have time to think one my feet left the ground that A) this is going to hurt and B) do not put your hands down to stop your fall. Wait for the thud and grab the railing at the first chance you get. Which is good because I hit so hard I would have snapped my wrist if the angle was bad and who is checking angles when they're falling down a flight of stairs??
    So I end up thumping half way down the stairs and then I hobble down the rest of the way as fast as I can and stumble around in a circle waiting for the numbing to turn to pain and then to subside so I could figure out how bad the fall really was. Meanwhile my little guy just saw me slide after the first thump so he now thinks fun things are happening and he's all excited to come see me and I'm trying really hard not to scream or ball. He also wants to be picked up now and my arm is just starting to send signals again that it's injured so now I have a crying baby at my feet and all I can think of is thank god I just put one down to sleep or I couldn't handle two right now. 
    So I iced my arm since it was bruising right away and did a bit of a body scan. I hit my butt and back but not as bad as my arm...or so I was lead to believe through my nerves system since they weren't screaming in pain. but I knew my toe was pretty bad because it was still in the numb stage and not yet able to register as pain. So I tried to ice it as well but once I touched it that ended up being a no go, ubber pain. I was sure it was broken at first. I actually thought it might be bleeding because it felt sticky inside my sock but it ended up just being the skin swelling and touching the other toes. It turned out it wasn't broken but it turned red purple blue and black by that night. especially on the underside since that's where all the blood pooled. The little toe is also bruised and in between the toes and across the top. I think I smashed it into the banister post. 
     It's now been two days since the stairs and my toe is looking better...sorta at least it's not swollen and I only limp with shoes on. My arm has a nice carpet burn and bruise, my butt hurts if I sit back and I can't stand for very long without the muscles in my back getting really sore. But at least nothings broken, I didn't hit my head and I wasn't carrying any babies at the time! 
     At this point I can't believe I am in charge of two children's safety and I can't even operate a set of stairs! I don't even have the excuse that I was sauced at the time, which I'd like to be able to tell people cause it makes for a better story then I'm I'm 28 and still don't know how to use my feet.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why do you hate me Jo-Anne's fabric store?

So I am on a diaper making venture. I went to Jo-Anne's which is the fabric store in our area and wanted to know if they had PUL fabric and coloured FOE(fold over elastic)...they had PUL in like two colors and only white elastic. They didn't have bamboo fabric, snaps or anything else needed to make diapers. So I had to start looking on line. Guess where everything I need comes from?
No not china....bloody Canada!
So I take myself up to canada to look for the things I need. Still no real luck. They have some stuff but for the life of me I can not find fold over colored elastic. So I use the white and make due. My diapers did come out really nice. But something just wasn't right. I wanted a removable liner so I wouldn't have to change the whole diaper if it was soiled but couldn't figure out how to do it so I gave up on it for now.
So now that I've spent hours of trouble going here there and everywhere to get frustrated and disappointed in the availability of diaper making supplies guess what Jo-Anne's Fabric store now carries......
A Whole Line of Diaper Making Supplies!!!! Damn you Jo-Anne and your being 3 months late! They also had a book on how to make diapers...after I spent countless hours on designing my own diaper pattern. But one good thing came of this....I found out how to do the removable liner like the g-diapers...didn't want to use a g-diaper pattern incase it was copy written. but now I can use the insert pattern and fit it to the diapers I already made...viola! removable inserts to hold the soaker pads

Thursday, September 1, 2011

What a great way to start a day

     I'm at work right now. Had to be in at 8:30am. Which is a good time to start for me. It means the little princess is still asleep, so my day starts off calmly.
     It started raining on my way into work today, so the sky is dark and the air is cool and damp. Since the little princess was still asleep I put my little prince in the play area and made myself a cup of chai tea latte and sat beside the large front windows with my cross word book as the baby played contently at my feet.
     Thank god for days like these.