Monday, January 31, 2011


     If you're reading this blog you have either been invited by myself or stumbled upon this blog through a search. So either way there's something about this blog that has tickled your fancy pants. So feel free to read through the posts and comment at will. I'm glad you're here.
Let me introduce myself. I'm Kitty, I'm 28 years old, and I live in a small town outside of Pittsburgh Pa, but I wasn't born here. In fact we've only been here 3 years or so. I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada but married an American, so here I am. I miss my homeland but I enjoy the life my family has here. Pa reminds me a lot of Canada. The people are friendly and there are a lot of small towns and country side. I live here with my Husband, our baby boy.
I look like crap in this photo, but it was after a week of family visits (Christmas) and a new baby, so I figure I have a good excuse to look like poop.

     We also have two dogs and two cats. It's a bit of a full house but I love every single being I share my home with, so I wouldn't have it any other way.
     Both my husband and I work in Pittsburgh. He works on cars and I work in a private home as a nanny. I love my job. I get the perks of having a job and earning a paycheck well still being in the role of stay at home mom; seeing as my son comes to work with me. 
     So that's a little about me and some of the things that make my life fabulous. 



Madalaine Marie said...
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Madalaine Marie said...

WOW Kathy! I am so very proud to call you my cousin! I think about life when I am older and how I want to work but how after having children you have to either work or stay at home and care for them which obviousy is what anyone would choose! ..Man, I think about that quite frequently I've noticed. Well, you have definitley have got it made! I mean, really? That is every mother's dream I am sure, to be a stay at home mom with a job! To be a nanny so that you are always with YOUR LITTLE ONE and with other children at work! <3 That really is FABULOUS! I would love to do that!

God has blessed us with everything and more! It is truly amazing, isn't it!? <3 MUCH LOVE TO YOU AND YOURS!

Madalaine Marie

The Flynnigans said...


Hey it's Lindsay....from FB. Former modeling buddy ;) Checking out your page and adding it to my reading list. I have a blog too but sometimes I'm not consistent with keeping it up to date. :) Anyways, keeping write bc I'll keep reading.
