Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I'm saddened

This is my little note or long not...not sure if it will turn into a rant...on why illegalizing abortion will do a thing about stopping abortions from happening.  Key note here. This is not a pro life or pro choice rant. this is a take a step back and look at what it is you want to accomplish and how you are going about doing it.

First off if you are in agreement that stricter gun laws wont stop people from shooting people. Then you have to be smart enough to see that illegalizing abortion wont stop a desperate women from getting it done. The only thing it will accomplish is pushing it back underground. Leading desperate people to do desperate things. Now you are not only loosing the lives of the baby but many times you are also loosing the mothers life as well. You make it a breeding ground for sick careless people to pray on their weaknesses. Men and women who will call themselves doctors or experts who will butcher these women and for what? So you can sleep better at night?

The only way you will ever stop abortion is to fix the world we live in. Make it safe for women to go out into the world and know that no man is going to force himself upon her, that their male relatives wont hurt them when no one is around. Make it so every women can afford to feed her family and give her the support needed to raise a child. By giving your sons and daughters a sense of responsibility for their actions.

Educate your children about sex. Not just preaching abstinence until marriage. If sex wasn't seen as this dirty nasty subject everyone seems to think it is then your children would feel free to come to you and to ask questions. You should be building a child's sexual self confidence along with everything else you teach your child to be proud off. They should grow up knowing that these are my special private parts, to be protected and cherished. Not these are my dirty no no bits, not to be spoken about. Abstinence doesn't work, self esteem does. When a person feels they are worth waiting for, worth protecting themselves and can stand up for themselves that's where the abstinence you are looking for will come from.

If you want to look at it from a biblical point of view. I agree there are rules as to what you can and can not to in order to be a true follower of the lord. However, I need someone to point out where the lord states go into the world and smite all those not following the rules? I would also like to have pointed out where Jesus forces people into following the lord by screams profanities at them  and spits in the faces of sinners? Jesus never forced anyone to follow his teachings. He lead by example. If you are pro-life and you want to save the lives of children then offer up your own money, your own homes. Become the parents for these children you clam are out there.

The childcare system in this country is not the fairy tale you try to sell it as. Most children are not adopted as infants unless they are white. Most children get passed around from home to home or are stuck in an institution. A great many are placed in unsafe homes with people who only want the money. Many are abused at the hands of the people you say are out there to love and protect them. There are also far many children that need a home then there are families willing to take them.

If at this point you are thinking you're just a pro choicer who thinks it's o.k. to kill babies and doesn't know what they are talking about then you are only half right. I am pro understanding. I am pro compassion. I am pro education. I know many pro lifers out there that are wonderful people and who openly express their view. I'm fine with that but if your idea of helping is yelling at pro choicers, yelling at scared 15 year old girls that if they kill their baby they are going to hell, or you think bombing a clinic is a good thing you need to rethink your idea of a good Christian moral code. If you want to help then instead of trying to scare already frightened women who have already found themselves in a mess how about you use that energy to actually do something that helps. For example take the billboard with the fetas at such and such weeks and how it's got a heart beat and you are nothing more then a murderer if you go through with the abortion; compare that to the one that says are you pregnant and need help? call blah blah blah.... one is compassionate and shows there is someone out there that cares that can help you decide what is right for you and your baby; compared to the self esteem eating propaganda.

 In the end what I'm trying to say is stop using hatred and hurtful means to get what you want. Fill yourselves full of love, understanding and tolerance. Finish the work Jesus started the way he intended it to be done. With a gentle hand and a kind heart. A sin against your fellow man done in the name of the lord is still a sin.

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