Today was just one of those days you get when working with children in diapers. There is just bound to be a day that everyone seems to have the poops. So the little girl I take care of is 4 months older then my son. I like to call her his future wife. He's drawn to her maturity. Anyway when she woke up this morning she had pooped...Hate morning poops. They could have been setting all night for all you know and they tend to stick to the bum since the diaper draws out the liquids. It's like trying to scrap off paint with a napkin. Takes forever.
So we get through Diaper Poop #1. I take her down stairs put her in the play pen. 10 minutes or so later all I hear is my little peanut filling his drawers...and I mean filling! I took him upstairs to change him and not only has it escaped through the top of the diaper when I lifted his butt it literally went running up his back. There was no way to contain it! I was tempted to just toss him in the tub but since I wasn't at home I figured I would just wippy him up. A change of clothes and hand full of wipes later he was good as new.
Just in time for the little miss to fill diaper number two! Oh my God!!!! make it stop! Well I was there they had both filled 2 diapers each. I don't know how it is possible. I didn't know little peanut's body could hold so much waste.
So I decided to give my little man a bath when I got home to make sure we got all the poops and wouldn't you know it...Another full diaper again coming out the legs and running up his back just in time to plop him into the tub. I'd worry that he was going to dehydrate himself but he's been drinking a lot so I think it's been balancing it's self out and he's lively and chipper so it's not like he's sick with anything.
I have changed so many poopy diapers today I could cry if it happens again. I've got my fingers crossed that's it for the night...or at least he will wait until my husband gets home before he lets one go again.
1 comment:
This made me smile! =D <3
Much love!
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