Friday, February 25, 2011

This that and the other

So I now have an official follower...I'm so excited!
     It's like putting out a bunch of resumes and you finally get a call back. Getting a call back was always my favorite part of looking for a job. I guess it's a bit of a self esteem booster. You might not get the job, but at least you were good enough for a second look.
     I finally made it through to my 5 day mini vacation. I love when my schedule just works out so that I have a little mini vaca pop up. The past couple weeks were a little hard. This one not so much I only worked to days but the week before I had a 5 day work week. For those that don't know I usually work 3 days a week and have a 3 month old, So that wears me out pretty good on it's own. So add in two extra days and apparently I go loopy. By time 6 o'clock rolled around after the 4th day, I was having a hard time stringing words together to form a sentence. I couldn't get my thoughts to come out of my mouth, and I was forgetting words. Simple words too! not obscure words that you rarely use, everyday works like "tomorrow". It was very weird. My mother thought I was having a stroke. I would be fine during the day after I slept but once I started to get tired it was like being in a whole new world.

     So now that I have 5 days off the weather has turned crappy...which is what usually happens when I have holidays...You think I could then plan better knowing this but no...I still don't make bad weather back up plans. So anywho it looks like house cleaning...pre spring cleaning I guess you could say. I started yesterday with the babies room. I had to box up all his clothes that he has grown out of so I could reorganize his room better. I finally finished his toy box. Who knew gluing wooden animals and letters onto a painted box would take so long!?!?! Now I just have to finish sewing his baby quilt. I think I will work on that on Monday.

     We are going to the in-laws tomorrow which will be nice. They  live on a farm in West Virginia. Which reminds me. I was watching toddlers in tiaras and they were doing a beauty pageant in WV and it was just funny cause it was a western princess pageant. Very fitting for WV. I always wondered what kind of parents force their children to dress up like teenagers to win cheap crowns jsut so they can say my child is beautiful...but only if I give her fake nails, hair, lashes and tan and put her in a thousand dollar dress. And the judges critisize their dresses for not being glittery enough or for a 3 year old for not being poised enough. like come on, these are children. I love the parents who say it's not about the beauty it's about the talent. Your kid sang yanky Doodle off key but still won because she's pretty, had nothing to do with talent. If it was about the talent they would call it a talent compitition.

1 comment:

The Flynnigans said...

oh btw, ignore the stupid name bob ojibway, it was Jeff's login to Google and I set up a website for us years ago when we started dating and it made sense to keep it rather than screwing up his auto login's at home. Nonetheless, it's Lindsay, not BOB. lol