Sunday, August 28, 2011

Girls Night Out to Size 10 Pants

So last night was the first annual Margarita Girls night at my friend Erin's house. It was a lot of fun. I don't have many female friends around here so it was nice to get out and meet some other women and to be able to talk about girl stuff. Like the craziness of men, the craziness in ourselves, and life's little issues.
It also gave me a chance to dress up! Even though it was a casual event I don't get much opportunities to dress up.  So I hot rollered my hair and put on a little make-up and a nice dress and shoes. It's funny how much more confident you feel in yourself when you dress well.
It was also really nice to have time without my little angel. Even though I love him to pieces it was nice to spend some time away. 
Where does the size 10 pants come in you ask? Well I'm going to tell you. After all the sugary drinks and carb. loading I was feeling kinda fat this morning. I've been wearing size 12 and 13 pants. They're low rise so they tend to come up to tummy point that I'm most self conscious off. Making me look like I have a muffin top because my tummy is still a little mommy will probably always be a little mommy poochy. 
Anywho back to what I was getting at. I was rooting around in my pants bin and the ones I grabbed were a size 10 from before I was preggers. I only got to wear them maybe 3 times before I started to gain baby weight. At the very beginning of my pregnancy I ended up loosing weight so I went out and got new pants. 1 pair I never even got to wear. So anyway I was thinking these will never fit, but what the heck I'll give them a go anyway. See how much more I have to go before they fit. I was surprised when I pulled them up and didn't even have to do any shimmying or hoping...I was even more surprised when I could do them up...I was ecstatic when I looked in the mirror and couldn't even see a hit of a muffin top!
Needless to say, I am feeling pretty good about myself right now.
Margarita Party Attire

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