Thursday, August 11, 2011

Juice Cleanse Day 5

It is the half way point of my ten day cleanse and this is where we are so far. I have visibly lost fat off of my arms and cellulite off the backs of my legs. My thighs and butt look smoother and tone. I haven't noticed any clearing of my skin yet but we'll see what the next 5 days brings. I am down to 172 which is below my pre pregers weight so thats exciting. Especially since I'm not doing this for the weight loss it just happens to be a positive side effect. I have noticed I don't get as tired during the day. I'm usually aching for a nap mid morning and I haven't had that urge lately.

Drinks for the day

Everything Smoothie (vitamix):

Review: Great way to get a little bit of everything

Lunch: Mean Green Machine + Everything Smoothie + a banana and a hand full of cherry tomatoes

Note: I was making the smoothies for today the night before and bottled them. I had a glass of MGM from last nights dinner and 1 of ES from breakfast so I just mixed them together I added the tomatoes for added vitamins and the banana for flavor.

Dinner: Detox+

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